Why Shawn Carter? Why Jay-Z?

On a FB page I follow they were talking about Jay-Z and how he’s “ugly.” Now I never thought he was ugly. Throughout the years with the “Camel” tag I just thought he was attractive. I like regular dudes and he’s a regular dude. But the meme said women didn’t like him because he had ‘African’ features. He had the big lips, wide nose, hjayigh cheeks. It was a deep discussion on the page about this. People stating they do like men with those features. However, someone else points out that the men they like with those features are dark. Then others stated “He just ugly.”

Perhaps people don’t like him because he’s light with those features. Maybe we’ve been brainwashed to think that black people with those strong “African” features should be dark skin. They’re closer to the motherland with their looks. However, Jay-Z is lighter skin with strong features.

What about Blu? It kills me when people talk about this little girl saying she’s ‘ugly.’ “She look just like her dad…ugly.” First, we shouldn’t be criticizing a child. Second, she does look like her father but she isn’t ugly. She’s a regular (albeit rich) little black girl. (Shout out to the Knowles family for keeping her looking like a child instead of a little-grown person).

Why Beyonce chose someone ugly? Like I said I don’t think he’s ugly. Although, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Do you know people actually think he’s below her and she could do better? GTFOH!! I love them as couple. I love them as a family. Even though I don’t know them personally, I love the man Jay-Z is with her. That’s what love and life is about. Being with someone that makes you want to be better. From what I see Jay-Z is ‘better’ regardless of being “ugly.”

More Thoughts

Most sites want to see where you have written online before they consider for submissions to their site. It makes no sense for me to start completely over when I have approximately 4 years of a blog right here. I guess I can point people to my “personal” blogs/journals. I want to really start writing again. That’s where I get my pleasure. I love being in my own zone writing but I don’t have that niche. Like I said in the other post I’m not trying to be “pro-black” and “woke.” I’m not political.  I’m not celebrities. But I am passionate about African American women and mental health. I feel we don’t talk abut it and it’s no space just for us. I’m in several Facebook groups that talk about MH and being an introvert but the groups are diverse. I believe in diversity but when I want to really talk about my symptoms I want to talk to someone who looks like me. I don’t want Becky, Brad, or Tyrone giving their feedback on how I feel. I want to talk to Keeshas and Tashas. I’ll even talk to Maria but that’s it. It’s just really hard trying to function and maintain without that support.

Eh. I don’t know. A lifestyle blog? A lifestyle blog for black women with mental health diagnosis. In this blog I talk about different entrepreneurial concepts. Eh?!? I don’t know. But to start writing for sites I know I need to continue blogging. I need to write everyday. I’m side eyeing that every day but still.

Until next time

Confused in Charlotte *shrugs*

Time Flies

I haven’t written on this blog in 3 years. 3 years!! Wow. Plus  I’ve been writing on and off for almost 10 years. I started that blog “Natural Bloggings of a Young Social Worker” in November 2009. I remember it was Thanksgiving. I was dating L. I was still living in RH. One of my biggest decisions was did I want to move when I finished my MSW or stay. I don’t know how I had time to start a blog when I probably had school work to do. But at that time in my life, I thought I was superwoman. Epic Fail. I don’t know what inspired me to start writing but I just got in the zone and did it. I wrote inconsistently for years. I wanted to be like the big bloggers back then. Everybody was using Hootsuite and Buffer to post their post. It was so big and I wanted to be like them. I don’t know what happened. I guess because things weren’t moving fast enough I quit or maybe I really didn’t know what I wanted to do like now. I know it’s so much more for me than going to work for someone

I don’t know what inspired me to start writing that night. But I just got in the zone and did it. I believe I wrote several post that night. I was so “fancy” I even scheduled posts for a few weeks. I even had “theme” days. I was serious about it.  I wanted to be like the big bloggers back then. Everybody was using Hootsuite and Buffer to post their post. It was so big and I wanted to be like them. I don’t know what happened. I wrote inconsistently for years. I mean this is my first post here since 2014. Not saying I haven’t been writing because I have. I just have a lot of private blogs I started but this was considered my “main” blog. I guess because things weren’t moving fast enough I quit or maybe I really didn’t know what I wanted to do like now. I know it’s so much more for me than going to work for someone every day. But I just don’t know how to take what I have and make it work for me. I”m creative. I’m educated but I’m stuck. I don’t think it’s a tangible product I can provide to people but more of a service. I really don’t know. I want to be great but right now I”m bullshit. I want to write more but I don’t know what to write. I don’t know what or who my audience is. If my last post on the blog was years ago is that even effective? I probably could combine all the “blogs” I tried to create to update “Life and Times of Stacy Australia. I think I might just change it to Ruminations & Racing Thoughts. Or I could just make this blog public. I just want to write more. I want to write for magazines etc. I just don’t want to write a lot of bullshit fluff articles. I don’t care about celebrities. I don’t care about Trump. I don’t want to be so “woke.” I want to care and love my people. My black people but also show some fun in life. I want to write about stuff that relates to me and who I am as a person. I want to try different blogs. I think I need to focus on writing more. That’s my passion writing. Maybe I can take my writing and find a way to use that to teach and monetize. I don’t know. What I do know is I can’t spend the rest of my life clocking into somebody’s job. Now don’t get me wrong. I love my job. I love my school. I love my kids and my coworkers but this is not something I want to do. I want the flexibility of being able to work from home when and where I want to work. That’s the life I want to live. If I wanted to move to VA Beach and write and chill on the beach then that’s what I want to do.

I need to make some big plans. I’m getting older. I can’t keep running in circles trying to figure out what the hell I want to do with my life. Or not really trying to figure out what I want to do but actually making it happen.

#31WriteNow is Over!!

Today is the last day of #31WriteNow!!! Yay, I want to break out and twerk (que my inner Miley Cyrus). It’s been a long hard road. I was consistent until day 22 when I started getting lazy and wanted to give up. I push through because I wanted to finish this challenge. As I mentioned before I wanted to write daily for the month of August to celebrate my 30th birthday. When Luvvie posted the challenge I was all for it because I would have a writing community. I was excited about meeting new bloggers and exploring new blogs. The things I’ve learned during this challenge exceeded what I would have ever imagined.

I admit some days I did have post scheduled which made things easier. I truly admire those bloggers who actually wrote everyday. Wow, you guys are awesome!!

This was a wonderful challenge. I enjoyed every bit of it. Even the days when I didn’t want to write. I would grab my iPad click on my WordPress app and push something out.

Now, I am exhausted. I have some other writing projects I’m working which I’ll be focusing on more during the month of September. I’ll still post on my blog but not as consistent. In October, I may join National Blog Writing Month (NaBloWriMo). I’m not sure yet. It just depends on where I’m at in my September projects.

I want to thank all of you for reading my blog, commenting, retweeting, sharing, etc. I truly appreciate it. You have made this an excellent birthday month for me!

Keep a look out for StacyAustralia I have a lot more work heading your way.

Thanks again

Image courtesy of digitalart at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

My Favorite #31WriteNow Posts

I’m 1 day away from finishing the #31WriteNow challenge. I want to jump for joy! I decided to make a list of my favorite posts I wrote this month. I hope you enjoy!

For The Love of Money

I wrote this post earlier in the week. It made me really re-think my writing process. My mindset was still stuck in becoming an author in the 90s early 00s. The industry has changed completely and I need to change to the industry. completely.

Dealing with a Bug-A-Boo

I basically had a “Come to Jesus” meeting and decided to get myself and my life together.

From Sex to God…

I discuss how I struggled with finding a niche and realizing my niche is just me.

Mental Health and the African American Community

The death of young actor Lee Thompson Young inspired this. I wrote this years ago but it was relevant to his death and I wanted to share.

On Being an Author

In my process of becoming an author I’ve learned so much. This post review some of the things I’ve learned.

This Thing Called God Part 1 and Part 2

I share my experience with God as he tries to tell me things throughout my life but I refuse to listen.

The Young & The Careless

Inspired by conversations with my 20 year old cousins about life and wanting to be better instead of maintaining the status quo.

When You Wish Upon A Star…

Two days before my 30th birthday, I shared how excited I was to turn 30 and publish my first book Today I Threw Away His Toothbrush: Collection of Essays, Letters, Poems,and Random Thoughts about Love

Thanks for checking out my favorite posts.

Break-ups and Other Things

I wrote this last summer. I was scanning through my drafts to see what I could revise and publish. I haven’t spoke with this person in a few months. There isn’t any hard feelings between us. It’s been almost a year since I wrote this and we still are cordial. We both have moved on.

How do you respond when you receive a text message that says

Hey just want to let u know I don’t want a relationship with you anymore. I think u deserve better have a good life.

How do you respond? I wasn’t expecting it but I knew whatever it was Travis* and I had was ending soon. I no longer felt the love we shared over the last 4.5 years. No, I wasn’t in a relationship with this person. We just dated “on & off” for 4.5 years. Within the first year of this codependent relationship I knew I should have left him alone. I am a “fixer” which is probably why I became a social worker. I want to “fix things.” I continued to love him when he didn’t love me the same.

Throughout the 4.5 years we “dated” I also dated other men. I even had a relationship but this man was always my #1. I never cheated on anyone with him but he always had my heart. There was a time we did go our separate ways but we always somehow made our ways back to each other. Situations like that make you believe “it was meant to be.” As I age, I’m starting to believe situations like these are a test to see if you learned anything from the first time.

We became ‘friends’ again the end of 2011 and started dating again this summer.

In the time we’ve known each other, I received messages like this:

“Stacy, we don’t click”

“Stacy, I love you but I think you deserve better than me.”



And each time after having a hiatus he’ll return with

“Stacy, baby I love you. I’m sorry for all the times I hurt you but I want us to try again. I want to be a better man to you.”

Each time I fall for it thinking this time will be better than last time. This time was actually better than last time and all the other times before. We did a lot more together as a ‘make-shift couple’ than we have ever done before. Despite it being ‘better’ it wasn’t the best because I wanted more. I did not want to play the same games we’ve played for the last 4 years.

I loved him. I cared about. I may even miss him.

I received that message today and I was taken aback but I thought it’s not worth fighting for anymore. It’s not worth crying. It’s not worth wanting to ball up in the corner and die. It’s not worth it.

That’s the moment when I realized I would always have love for him but I can’t love him. We’ve done this rollercoaster and I’m a little nauseous from the ride.

My body wants to cry. My body wants to lay in the bed and ball in a knot and cry until I have no more tears. But my mind won’t allow me to do it. My mind tells me “Stacy you’re a big girl. You’re over those crying and fighting days over this man. You’ve done all you can. There’s no more fight in you.”

I listen to my mind and ignore my body. I have no more fight and honestly I don’t even want to fight. It’s no longer worth it to me.

I can’t express how I feel but it’s not the way I would have felt some years ago and I am proud of that. Stacy a few years ago would have responded in a completely different way. This Stacy, this Stacy reflects on the good times we had and move on. Regardless of what anyone says there is so much love out there in the world. There is so much love. I know I deserve better than what he was giving me. I always knew that but I continued to give him the benefit of the doubt thinking he would change. Four and half years later- same thing.

There is so much love out there in the world. One day I know I will meet the man that will love me the way I deserve to be loved. I love hard and I want someone to love me just as hard. When I love I give my all because that’s the only way I know how to love.

This man will probably come back with the same story. He will probably come back telling me the same things I fell for in previous years. This time I am older and I am stronger. Next time I won’t fall for it.

I wish him much happiness and success in life.

Am I bitter?

No. I’m not bitter. I’m not mad. I’m not anything really. I’m just me and my world does go on.

* Name have been changed to protect the bullsh*tters

25 Questions with Author Vogue

A few years ago I had an opportunity to interview an upcoming author by the name of Vogue. Since that interview Vogue has published 2 more books. I was fortunate enough to interview her again.

Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

Born and raised in Greenville, SC. I’m a 2003 graduate of Winthrop University, possessing a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. I started writing in high school with fan fiction, which progressed into novels in college. By day, I’m a Patient Case Coordinator for Amerisource Bergen and by night, I am a self-published author who writes urban fiction with romance and faith-based undertones.

Can you give us an overview of your writing experiences so far?

My writing experiences are learning experiences. With each project, I learn something new. I also gain an extra layer of skin. You have to have thick skin to be able to pour your heart into something and put it out there for the rest of the world to judge.

What motivates you?

I’m motivated the most by my readers and seeing/reading the enjoyment they get from my books. It’s the encouragement I need whenever I feel like giving up.

Did you pick writing or did writing pick you?

I honestly picked writing. I was always looking for an outlet and I found it in writing. First, I delved into poetry, which eventually turned into prose. I stuck with it over the years and now I have three published works under my belt.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

My next goal is to create a real live book trailer for one of my books with a full-on cast. Since I’m nowhere near where I need to be financially for a movie, a book trailer seems more attainable.

What are you working on at the minute?

At the current moment, I am not writing, but am currently brainstorming ideas for my fourth book, Black Diamonds. I have released a sample of the book, which is currently available on Amazon’s Kindle, but the book is still not yet finished. Once I have my ideas and plans for the book complete, I will start back writing.

Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?

I have always seen Gabrielle Union as Carmen Davenport, the main female character of The Diamond Collection, but of course, I am biased because she’s my favorite actress. Physically, her look describes Carmen to a T.

How much research do you do?

It all depends on my focus at the time. Right now, I am doing the most research on wedding planning because my fifth book, Diamonds N’ Roses focuses on Carmen and Jay’s wedding. I want the book to be very detailed so I’m taking the time out to research colors, flowers, wedding dresses, gowns, cakes, etc. The back cover of the paperback version of the book will actually be a wedding invitation.

Do you write full-time or part-time?

Due to my present work schedule, I write part-time, but I brainstorm full-time. Seventy percent of my day is probably devoted to figuring out plots and character development.

What is your writing schedule?

I don’t have a set writing schedule, but I tend to write mostly in the evenings and on the weekend. I only write when I am compelled to put something on paper and I don’t try and write while I have writer’s block. Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day? Word and page count are not important to me. In my opinion, a story is finished when it is finished.

Where do your ideas come from?

My ideas do not come from one set place. I may get an idea from a magazine article, advertisement, movie, music video or a personal life event or one of a friend’s. For example, I created an entire new character for my novel, Black Diamonds, simply from watching Chrissy and Mr. Jones. I guess you can say the character is inspired by Jim Jones.

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

I’ve used both. I generally start with an outline and plot and then I’ll allow the story to take a life of its own. Halfway finished, I usually go back to the outline and vice versa.

How do you think you’ve evolved as a writer from your first book Diamonds in the Rough to Ace of Diamonds?

My writing has grown in more ways than one. With my first book, in the original version, I gave the reader too much. There were things in the book, which weren’t needed, whereas now, I give the reader exactly what they need to know. Everything is pretty much straight to the point.

What is the hardest thing about writing?

The hardest thing about writing is staying committed to it. It is so easy to let life and all of its ups and downs get in the way of a project being completed. I never want to force myself to write, but sometimes I have to. Easiest thing? The easiest thing about writing is getting lost in it. Once you start, and get sucked in, it’s hard to stop. Once I’m on a roll, I can be lost in the literary world for hours before I come back to reality.

How long does it take to write your book?

Well, I’ll speak for my fourth book, Black Diamonds. It is going to take me a year to get this book out. I have about five months’ left before its release and I’m only halfway finished. Edit? The editing will go quicker once it’s written. The editing will probably take a month or so. I actually edit on and off while I’m writing.

Who are your favorite authors?

My favorite authors are Ashley & Jaquavis. I read the majority of their work whereas I may read one or two books of other writers. I love the blend of crime, romance, and drama that are in their books.

Do you prefer eBooks or traditional paper/hard back books?

I prefer paperback, however, I will purchase eBook just as quick. EBooks are cheaper and gives you instant access to what you want to read.

What are you currently reading?

I am currently reading Damaged by Carmel Malone.

How are you publishing this book and why?

I will be self-publishing Black Diamonds. The Ace of Diamonds, my third novel, was my first shot at self-publishing and while I spent out a lot of money in marketing, I also reaped all the benefits when the checks started to come in. I’m nowhere near where I want to be, but I’m in a far better place than I was in 2010.

What would you say are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing against being published or the other way around?

The main advantage of self-publishing is that you don’t have to share the profits of your book with anyone. In addition, you have complete creative control over your work. The main disadvantage is that you are responsible for the production and marketing of your book. You are your own bank whereas with a major publisher or independent publisher, they cover all the fees associated with publishing your work.

What’s your views on social media for marketing?

Marketing on social media is a must! It allows you to reach a large amount of people in a short amount of time. With the new apps that have been established such as Hoot Suite, you can market your books without even touching your phone or computer.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years, I hope to have most of The Diamond Collection complete. I also hope to have published my first Christian Fiction novel.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Be wiser with your money because you’re going to need it once you start making major moves.

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

There are numerous books that have impacted several generations, but the one book I wished I could take credit for is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. In one single book, she touched on so many social issues without ever having to write again.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Keep writing and never give up. No one can stop you, you can only stop yourself.

Where do you see publishing going in the future?

Well, publishing is already at the place I see it going. EBooks have taken over and more people are self-publishing instead of seeking out contracts. I’m pretty sure, this number will only continue to grow.

Want to know more about Vogue?

Website: http://www.simplyvogue.net
Blog: http://www.simplyvogue.net
Facebook: Author April Blanding
Twitter: @SimplyVogue_B

Instagram: Marilyn_MonRHO1922

Book Links (Amazon):

Diamonds in the Rough:

diamondsintherough copy

Diamonds are Forever:

The Ace of Diamonds:

aceofdiamondsfinal copy

5 Things Bloggers Do When You’re Not Looking

This post was inspired by Rae from the blog “From Rae with Love.” Earlier this month she wrote an awesome post from her perspective about the different things bloggers do when no one is looking (21 Things Bloggers Do When You’re Not Looking) . I decided to utilize her concept as it relates to me.

  1. I read. I read. And I read some more. I’m constantly reading books, articles, and other blogs to make sure I consistently have content to write about. Did I say I read?
  2. I write. I write. And I write some more. Even if I’m not writing for my blog, I’m sketching out character/plot/story summaries, writing in my journal, and leaving comments on other blogs.
  3. I study other writers. I read their blogs, follow their Facebook fan pages, follow their twitter time line, read their book reviews. I’m almost like a stalker.
  4. Researching and learning the business of being a writer. Being a writer is so much more than writing. Authors nowadays are also responsible for promoting and marketing especially for self published authors.
  5. Researching and learning more about the publishing field. I’m straddling the fence between being a fully self-published author or if I want to submit to a major publishing house. As of now, I want to self-publish because I want full responsibility for my work.
  6. Network. Twitter is an awesome place to network with other writers. This #31WriteNow challenge has been an excellent way for me to connect with like-minded people.

Yeah, Yeah, I know I said “5 Things Bloggers Do When You’re Not Looking” but I listed 6. The last one just popped in my head at the last moment. It was initially titled “10 Things…” but I was being lazy an didn’t want to to think of that many. 

For the Love of Money

I wanted to become an author for 20+ years. I remember writing a short story in 2nd grade on colored notebook paper. It was light blue. I don’t even think they still make colored notebook paper. The story was about twin sisters and their daily life as 2nd graders. I kept all of it in my Lisa Frank binder.

As I mentioned several times before, I’m a reader before I’m a writer. I grew up reading “Fear Street” books by R.L. Stine “The Babysitter’s Club” by Ann M. Martin “Sweet Valley” (they had various spin offs) by Francine Pascal, and Christopher Pike. As I aged I began reading my mom’s Terry McMillan books. I read her entire book list before the age of 15. Soon after I was introduced to Eric Jerome Dickey, Zane, Omar Tyree’s “Fly Girl” and Sister Souljah “The Coldest Winter Ever.”

I gave this history to emphasize how I wanted to become an author in a different time. The hustle was different in the 90s and early 2000’s. The authors I mentioned used blood, sweat, and tears to get to where they were. The competition was different but rewards were so much bigger. Authors were signing to publishing houses on 6 figure deals. 6 FIGURE DEALS!! That’s a million dollars y’all.

Now in 2013, being an author is completely different. It’s a hustle and grind. It’s a business within itself. Authors don’t have to just worry about writing they also have to worry about marketing, promoting, and in some cases publishing. Literally ANYONE can become an author. Amazon is an author’s haven in between all the self-publishing tools & tricks. Anyone can upload a file, create a cover, slap a price on it, call it a book, and call themselves an author. “Books” are ranging from 8-396 pages. Prices from free to 5.99.

Earlier today I was in a Facebook group and we were discussing about how to utilize Kindle Direct Publishing Select. We were focusing on authors who write serial shorts. Then as I was writing this post I checked my group again and the conversation changed to Do you have to have a deeper purpose to write? Or do you write for money?

The hustle is different now. We all can become authors. I wanted to write “quality” books. I wanted to write comparable to to the greats but is it worth it?

The struggle is real because I’ve noticed some of my childhood faves publishing serial shorts. Even they realized the hustle is different in 2013 than it was in the 90s.

I quit my professional 9-5 job last November because I wanted to focus more on my writing. I didn’t quit without a plan. I went back to an old job because it allowed me more flexibility to write. Well it didn’t work out and for the last 9 months I’ve been underemployed/unemployed. This weekend I’ll start a new job. I’m excited because it’s weekend position which will lead me with the entire week off to focus on writing. Plus I’ll make enough money to maintain in my current living situation (it’s not the lifestyle I’m use to but it’s livable).

In 2013, the concept of being an “author” is completely different. I’m considering stepping out the box and writing what’s “hot” to make money. While I’m writing the “trends” I’ll have money to live on as I write what I really want.

I don’t know just a thought.

Of course I’ll write under a pen name. 🙂

What do you think? Should aspiring authors write for money or write for fulfillment?

Dealing with a “Bug-A-Boo”

I’m writing this in between church services. It’s currently 10:48am. I woke up and felt like attending the 9am service. I’m waiting for the 11am service to start. Something compelled me to stay longer. After the service was over I asked the pastor will the next service be the same. He told me he preached from the same scripture but “it’s just different.”

I’m not going to give you a run down of what service was about. I felt compelled to write because I’ve been struggling with some things and I’m ready to make a change in my life. I wrote about it before.

God is awesome! He will put you in some of the worse situations but when you come out on the other side you’re a new person. What most of us struggle with is listening or hearing God’s word. See, I believe everyone who has some relationship with God no matter how big or small knows his voice. The problem is we don’t adhere to what we hear. We tend to say things like…

“We’ll, I know God isn’t talking to me, that message is for someone else”
“I’m too young”
“God, I asked you for that but not in that way”
“God, I’m not ready”

And I’m so guilty of this one

“Well, God I know this is a sin but it’s not as bad as __________”

I’m not going to even touch on the times we want to bargain with God. We make these deals “God if you do ______ then I’ll do______”

I’ve been in so many situations where God told me right but I chose left. Why? It was just easier. Just because something is easier doesn’t mean it’s right.

I’ve experienced a lot in my short years here on earth and I’m tired. Tired of fighting what is right because I want to do wrong. What I wanted to do didn’t always get me where or what I wanted to do. See the great thing about God is he keeps coming at you.

We talk about finally giving in and dating someone that was persistence but that “Bug-a-boo” don’t even compare to how many times God will pursue you. I have hid several times from God. I wanted to do what I wanted to do instead of what he wanted me to do. I hid. I hid in different cities. I hid in different churches. I hid in different apartments, different relationships because I didn’t want to hear what he was saying.

It took some years but he finally caught me.


I stayed for the second service and it was so much more powerful than the first service. Don’t get it twisted the first service was AWESOME but the second service took things to another level.

During the second service I actually joined the church!

I was struggling so much over this last year. However in the last few days, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking (hence why I haven’t wanted to “share”). Each time I thought about my issues it kept bringing me back to the same place …God.

I’m at this place in my life that I’m tired of running from God as if he’s a Bug-a-boo. God is so much more than words can explain. He has completely worked in my life in ways I can’t even explain. I have been down on my face and God has lifted me up, wiped my tears, picked me, and took me on my way.

I’ve decided to make some changes. I want to start living “better” in the word of God. I feel I’m to old for a lot of things I’ve been doing. I want to just be right and do right. They say “when you know better you do better.” I’m still Stacy but I’m aiming to be a better Stacy. I want my life to be a testimony for others. I’m far from perfect and I know I will never be perfect but I’m willing to try everyday to live up to God’s word. Yeah, I might fall short but I know I just need to get up and try again.

Have you ever had a revelation like this? Have you ran from God and he finally “caught” you? What do you think about your relationship with God?